Emergency Response Plans

Explore what makes a Emergency Response Plans so important to your organisation, and how Fixinc runs one.

Don’t just take our word for it.

We've supported organisations like yours with Emergency Response Plans.
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What is Emergency Response Plans?

Fixinc provide practical and compliant Emergency Response Plan to be used by the Chief Warden and Wardens to guide their preparation and response to an emergency. We follow local compliance structures like that of the Fire Service Act 1975 and AS 3745-2010 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities.
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How Emergency Response Plans fits into the Tungsten Diamond.

Your Emergency response Plan will include practical procedures covering possible emergencies such as fire, bomb threat, medical emergencies, evacuation processes, communication protocols, and emergency control structures. The plan will be provided in a soft copy format accompanied by editable site based information templates for contacts, emergency details, checklists, logs and warden details. When aligned with your wider Emergency Management Program and response, this plan will become a crucial element in your response toolset.

yours when you need it

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