Evacuation Diagrams

Explore what makes a Evacuation Diagrams so important to your organisation, and how Fixinc runs one.

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the what

What is Evacuation Diagrams?

Professional and attractive evacuation diagrams for display in common areas of an organisation's buildings. Your evacuation diagrams will contain the layout of the buildings, location of fire equipment, exits, assembly areas and egress routes whilst being designed and presented in simple, easy to view portraits.
resilience ecosystem

How Evacuation Diagrams fits into the Tungsten Diamond.

All diagrams are oriented with a “You Are Here” sign to ensure ease of use and basic procedures to enable a fast and effective evacuation. A site visit by a Fixinc consultant to mark up the diagrams will be conducted once base floor plans have been provided. This helps ensure that a real person is visualising and mapping out the correct layout of your building in detail. Fixinc will provide A3 Brushed Aluminium Snap-lock frames for all evacuation diagrams and design and present your final print outs in simple, professional looking designs.

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